Kuidas taltsutada kevadrahutuses aednikku? Lase aednik lahti lillepoodi!
Midagi pole parata, kui see kõik, mis hetkel väljas toimub, on vaid kevade illusioon ja hetkeline meelepete, siis sellegi poolest olen mina täielikult selle ohvriks langenud. No on kevad mis kevad! Jala all lirtsub ja varblane sirtsub ning tihased on hoos oma kevadiste hõisetega. Mitte küll veel päris laul, aga häälekad sellegi poolest! Lõuna ajal lillepoes aga avastasin, et kevad on ka sinna jõudnud ning esimesed hooajakaubadki välja pandud.
Ei saanud niisama mööda minna, ostsin endale kaks pakki kaeralilli 'Babylon'. Arvatavasti umbes samal ajal eelmine aasta tegin samasuguse ostu - paki kaeralilli 'Lucifer'. Kui ma neid mais aga maha hakkasin panema, olid sibulad täiesti kuivanud ja üles nad ei tulnudki. Nüüd püüan teha teisiti. Panen sibulad hoiule jahedamasse ja aprillis istutan need pottidesse. Ehk tuleb nii paremini välja.
Kaeralilled suveks/ Crocosmias for my planned hot border. Aren't they hot! |
Kaeralilled võiksid kasvada koos kannadega ühes lopsakas suvises peenras. Seal võiks olla veel lihtõielisi daaliaid ja punaselehiseid riitsinusi. Kokku oleks see üks tore klassikaline inglise 'hot border'. Vaatame, kuidas välja kukub. Esimene samm on igal juhul selles suunas astutud!
Summary: The First Purchase of the Season
I love early spring, the very first delicate signs of its arrival. Right now, it might be a bit too early and winter just could not be done jet but these past few warm days certainly have created a sense of spring in me so strong that I almost could say that it is real and it is here! Snow is melting and green grass can be seen here and there. Birds are getting more active too and great tits are already singing their first melodies.
Today however, I discovered some signs of spring season in one of our gardening centres too - some first packs of summer bulbs had made their way to sell. Naturally, I just couldn't walk by, I had to buy something. It was crocosmia 'Babylon' that caught my eye. I had bought crocosmia 'Lucifer' about the same time last year, but by the planting time in May they were dead try, literally. Not a single plant sprout. So this year I'm trying to have a little different approach. I will store them in cool place until April and then plant to pots for earlier growth and blooms.
I have a special plan with my new crocosmia 'Babylon' bulbs. Along with cannas, hopefully they will create a luscious new hot border to my garden. For addition I hope to find some fitting simple dhalias like 'Bishop of Llandaff' and grow ricinus plants by my own. There is no chance for failure with those vibrant, hot-hot-hot plants! This concept of hot border comes from Carol Klein, wonderful gardener and plantswoman I'm beginning to love as much as those early signs of spring!