Esimesed öökülmad on võtnud siilkübarate õiekroonid, kuid siilikesed on kenad ja jäävad talve ootama, et siis pakkuda oma tekstuurset ilu ja võib-olla mõnele linnukesele kõhutäidet.
Echinacea 'Powwow Wild Perry' |
Salvia 'Ostfriesland' |
Murult riisusin lehti ja panin katse korras mustadesse kottidesse komposteeruma. Hilistest lehtedest on plaan veel teha üks avatud aun ja võrrelda siis, kumbast saab kiiremat ja kvaliteetsemat lehekomposti. Millegipärast on usk suurem avatud auna, kuna sinna pääsevad putukad-mutukad ja ussikesed ligi. Kottides on ehk vaid parem niiskus ja kõrgem temperatuur. Eks näis. Osa lehti jääb aga taimedele kaitseks ja enne suuri külmi on plaan tammelehtedest kaitsekiht panna sügisel istutatud kõrrelistele ning õrnematele tegelastele.
Püsikupeenar/ Perennials bed |
Summary: Last flowers from garden
Days are getting shorter and shorter and first frosty nights are kicking in. Autumn is inevitable. Plants understand that well and are preparing for long dormancy. However, some late bloomers still can be found, like different sedums and second flush on salvias and some roses. Echinaceas are done, as first frosts have taken their crowns but their attractive stalks with seed heads are sturdy and ready to provide some winter interest as well a food for finches.
This autumn I have a leaf decomposing project. I put some amount of leaves to black plastic bags and some to open compost heap. The idea is to find out, which way is faster and more effective. As leaves retain more moisture and warmth in bags, the heap is reachable by earthworms and all kind of insects. Both ways seem to have their own bebefits. We will see how it wors out!
Some leaves, however, will remind on perennials bed for winter protection. I'm sure my new lately planted grasses and some tender plants need some!