Pühapäeva hommikul kell 6-7 oli -15 kraadi. Võimalik, et täna hommikul oli veelgi külmem, kuid seda ei olnud ise enam fikseerimas. Paariks tulevaks ööks lubatakse veelgi krõbedamat, nädala lõpul peaks ilm pisut pehmenema. Aga vaid pisut. Mujal Eestis on muidugi olnud ka palju külmemaid kohti.
Lumeolukord maal oli arvatult kehvake, nii umbes 4-5 cm lagedal, sellestki poolgi härmatise tekitatud. Puude alused vaid õrna kirmega. Head abilised olid seinaäärse mägisibulapeenra juba lumega katnud, ise katsin reede öösel kirkas kuuvalguses tulbipeenart. Hea, et muruplatsilt oli siiski võimalik pisut lund selle tarbeks kokku lükata.
Päevad olid aga ilusad, vaiksed ja päikest täis. Milline rõõmustav-elustav vaheldus pikalt valitsenud pimedusele! Põhjast varjab meid mets, nii ei pääse ka praegused põhjakaaretuuled näpistama. Väljas päikseses oli päris mõnus toimetada. Soojas toas oli muidugi veelgi mõnusam, vaadates läbi lillelise akna talvist kirkust ja ilu.
Lumeolukord maal oli arvatult kehvake, nii umbes 4-5 cm lagedal, sellestki poolgi härmatise tekitatud. Puude alused vaid õrna kirmega. Head abilised olid seinaäärse mägisibulapeenra juba lumega katnud, ise katsin reede öösel kirkas kuuvalguses tulbipeenart. Hea, et muruplatsilt oli siiski võimalik pisut lund selle tarbeks kokku lükata.
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Õhtu üle lumiste väljade/ Setting Sun over the snowy fields |
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Päris lilled talvisel aknal/ Real blooms instead of iceflowers |
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Tubased aiad/ Indoor gardens |
Sunday morning was the coldest so far in our garden, temperature down to -15'C. In some places in Estonia it was below minus twenty. Luckily we are not living in frost pocket. Snow cover is poor however, only 4-5 cm thick. Clearly it is not sufficient cold protection for flowerbeds. For making things little better I gathered snow from lawn and placed on borders next to house (sempervivum bed and tulip bed). Hopefully it helps against sharpest frosts in nights.
Weekend was sunny and crisp, a nice change for long darkness prevailing in December and first half of January. It was nice to be out and even nicer to sit in, in warm room and look out the window, through my winter blooms.
I am surprised to see that Estonia is as cold as the area of Canada where I live. I would have thought that the Baltic sea would have produced some warmth and that temperatures would have been similar to Denmark's. Just now, I am on Vacouver island which has a mild climate. But I live in Ontario where it has been the coldest and snowiest winter in a long time.
VastaKustutaThanks Alain! Climate in Denmark and Estonia is quite different, yes. Denmark is purely affected by Atlantic and thus the climate is marine type. Estonia however is sitting on the borderline between marine and continental climate, so the weather can be really diverse and quick changing. Even within our borders (and it is very small country) it can be very different. 2012 winter we had a situation where the temperature difference was 30 degrees between west of the islands and south-east corner of the country (-4 vs -34 'C), with distance only about 300 km. Overall our winters tend to be more contnental and summers marine I think.
KustutaNeed aknapildid, aknapildid....:)
VastaKustutaAlguses ma vaatasin, et mismõttes...õues need õiepungad või?:)
VastaKustutaNo ütleme, et õue ja toa piiril, aga siiski toa poolel! :D