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Vihula mõisa peahoone/ Vihula manor, main house |
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Romanitline kõrvalhoone järve kaldal/ Romantic outhouse |
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Paisjärv ja veskikompleks koos viinatehasega/ Lake with water mills and vodka manufacture |
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Triiphoone ja lillepeenrad/ Glass house with ornamental flowerbeds |
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Kaunilt kujundatud tarbepeenrad/ Ornamental vegplot of the manor |
Juuli lõpp tõi mind aga tagasi Sagadisse, puupäevadele. Endalegi pisut ootamatult olin kaasatud nii põnevasse projekti, millele ei olnud võimalik "ei" öelda. Kõigi teiste toredate tegevuste ja ettevõtmiste hulgas oli kavandatud putukahotelli sisustamine. Konstruktsioon oli varasemalt valmis ehitatud, kuid "toad" ootasid veel sisustamist. Õnneks olid korraldajad otsinud abistavaid näiteid ja infomaterjale ning mul endalgi oli mõned asjakohased raamatud kaasa võtta. Kaks päeva sisustasime usinalt majakest nii laste kui täiskasvanute abiga. Mulle tundus, et kõik kes kaasa lõid, olid ka asjast väga huvitatud ning lubasid lõpptulemust uuesti uudistama tulla. Kas putukad ka loodu omaks võtavad?
Euroopas, kus looduslikke elupaiku väheks jäänud ning kasulike putukate arvukus seetõttu langenud, on selliste tehis elu- ja talvituspaikade loomine väga levinud ning miks mitte öelda, et suisa moeasi. Kogu 'Wildlife Gardening' on väga pop ja tunnustatud. Ja pakutud rajatised võetakse meeleldi omaks. Eestis muidugi elupaiku veel jagub. Aga seda põnevam ongi nüüd jälgida, kas meie ehitatud ja parima äranägemise järgi sisustatud putukamaja kuidagipidi kellelegi ka atraktiivne on. Kuidas iganes, loodushariduslikus mõttes saab selle juures lastele rääkida nii lääne-euroopa muresid kui võimalikke lahendusi. Ja võib-olla sedagi, et meil ikka tasub hoida oma loodust.
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Sagadi puupäevad 2014, putukahotelli ehitus/ Construction of a bee&insects hotel |
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Putukahotelli ehitus/ Construction of a bee&insects hotel |
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Väikesed abilised/ Little designers |
Päris valmis me oma tööd ei saanudki. Eks tublid looduskooli töötajad ja aednik Helle kohendavad ja täiendavad. Ise jõudsin sisustada kahe päevaga vaid ühe ruumikese. Hakkan nüüd suure huviga seda vaatamas käima. Muidugi tervet hotelli tegelikult! Ja võib-olla võiks mõelda sellelegi, et midagi sarnast ehk koduski järgi teha. Muidugi väiksemas mõõdus vast.
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Minu disain, pühendatud erakmesilastele (keskel)/ My design for solitary bees (in middle section) |
Summary: Manors of Lahemaa National Park
I like to spend my summer holidays in my home country, if not at home. And why not, summer is the best season in Estonia and it wouldn't make any sense to drive away this time of a year. However, I like to drive around a bit in Estonia during my holidays. My usual destinations are our western islands but this year I happened to start and end my holiday in Lahemaa National Park, close to beautiful manors of Sagadi and Vihula. So gladly, I visited them both.
Both manors date back to 15-16th century but buildings preserved to nowadays are from 18th century. Today, Sagadi manor is known as nature education centre and forest museum as Vihula is living its new rise as a centre of leisure and conference centre. Both have wonderful parks and gardens, but little bit different in their essence.
Sagadi has a wonderful head gardener, who happens to have the lavender garden I introduced few posts ago. Thus, Sagadi flower garden has many same features, like lot of grasses and sages in natural schemes, lavenders and roses complementing each other. Some of the flowerbeds are in regular mode, suitable for manor environment. These are well arranged, considering heights and sizes of plants and their palette. I like that they have used agave plants in containers- very common for manor gardens back in 19-20th century.
Vihula manor started its new life quite recently. Now, holding a restaurant and hotel as well as many leisure facilities, it has become a popular conference centre and holiday destination. If park have survived from late manor times, then gardens have restored recently and lot is yet to be done. But I loved the ornamental vegetable garden that is in the making. It had that English Garden feeling, whereas ornamental plants are combined with vegetables, creating beautiful formal feeling. I'd like to be back and see the further developments!
This weekend however, I was invited back to Sagadi manor. The annual Timber Days were held once again. Along many activities addressed to visitors and especially for children, a creation of insect hotel was planned also. I had a honour to assist this workshop. What we created with children can be seen above. Though the hotel still needs some improvements and straighten up a bit, for certain, it was fun, interesting and educational weekend. Bee and insects hotels are common for Western Europe, whereas natural habitats are in great decline. We however, have more than 50% of land covered with forests, plus meadows and semi-natural grasslands. Still, it would be interesting to see, if some little creatures find our creation attractive. I'm about to go back and see for myself!
I think Sagadi is a beautiful place to spend holidays, Tistou. I love this very nice building, nice colors, flowers especially roses. One is my favorite it's Flammentanz.
VastaKustutaThank you for sharing!
It surely is! And there is a hotel too, so you can come, rent a room for a stay and enjoy all the beautiful surroundings! Isn't it a great idea?! :-) I could be a guide for you.
KustutaSagadist, tema tagaaiast ja eriti ühes sealses kaugemas metsatukas kasvavaist haruldustest on mul kõige paremad mälestused.
VastaKustutaMa ei saa muud kui nõustuda. Aardeid ja saladusi on mul aga veel avastada!
KustutaOhh, Eestimaal ikka ei saa nii, et ütled rahus: "Ma olen seal käinud". Kõik muutub (ja enamasti õnneks paremuse poole) juba mõne aastaga ja Sa kohe PEAD sinna jälle tagasi minema. Ehk siis ma panen oma sihtpunktinimekirja taas nii Vihula kui Sagadi kirja. Ja sugugi mitte viimasteks. ;)
VastaKustutaTore! Öeldakse ju ikka, et kui tahad näha midagi uut, käi mööda vanu radu!