21. detsember, talvine pööripäev, aasta pikim öö, lühim päev, väljas sooja +4,5 C'. Detsember on olnud valdavalt pilves ja väga pime. Atlandilt järjestikku üle Skandinaavia murdvad sooja ja niiske õhuga madalrõhkkonnad ei ole lasknud lumikattel tekkida, vaid üksikuteks viivudeks. Kuu keskel korraks sadanud lumi sulas kiirelt, kuu lõpp on olnud jälle väga soe. Nii pole ka lumevalgus saanud seda pimedust leevendama.
Selle nädala teisipäeval (17.12) oli hommikupoolikul mõnel pool 7,4 kraadi sooja. Ilmaagentuurid räägivad, et viimane november oli registreeritud kliimaajaloo soojim, planeedi keskmist temperatuuri arvestades. Kes teab, võib-olla püstitab detsembergi uue rekordi - kuu on ühe võrra hilisemaks saanud, temperatuur on laias laastus jäänud samaks. No vähemasti meie maanurgas.
Öösel oli linnas vihma sadanud, suured loigud maas jälle igal pool. Pööripäeva hommik aga kostitas hetkelise päikesepaistega. Kuskil kaugemal veel sadas ja tekkis ilus vikerkaar. Mitte kuigi talvine. Püüdsin madalaid kiiri orhideeõitel. Küll oleks tahtnud, et see oleks kestnud pisutki kauem, aga ei. Taevas tõmbus taas pilve ja õhtuks on oodata uut vihmasadu.
Sel nädalal ilmus lõpuks välja kadunud laugupakk Inglismaalt. Ootasin oktoobri lõpust saati. Teatel, mis lõpuks saabus, oli kiri et, Saksamaalt. No kes teab, mis paigad see kõik läbi seikles. Jõulupühade ajal hakkan siis lauke peenrasse panema. Võib-olla polegi selle pärast talve siiani tulnud, kes teab...
Summary: Winter solstice
Today is 21st of December, winter solstice. It's a time of the longest night and shortest day of the year. Weather is warm (+4 'C) as the depressions keep on coming on rows from Atlantic, bringing more and more warmth and moisture. Thus the days have been really dark, like northern summer nights. So todays brief tear in cloud cover and handful of rays coming through felt like real blessing in that everlasting darkness.
News are saying that it was the warmest November in recorded history. Well, who knows, December just might break the record, as the time has moved month forward but the temperatures have stayed the same. At least in this part of the world.
My lost back of alliums ordered from England finally arrived. The notice from post office said "from Germany". Well, who knows where it had been all that time (from October). Anyways, it's gonna be a bulb planting Christmas this year! Maybe that is why it's still warm - to give me and my allium bulbs a chance!
On today's pictures: Brief moment of sunshine captured on rainbow and on one of my pink standard phalaenopsis orchid.
Selle nädala teisipäeval (17.12) oli hommikupoolikul mõnel pool 7,4 kraadi sooja. Ilmaagentuurid räägivad, et viimane november oli registreeritud kliimaajaloo soojim, planeedi keskmist temperatuuri arvestades. Kes teab, võib-olla püstitab detsembergi uue rekordi - kuu on ühe võrra hilisemaks saanud, temperatuur on laias laastus jäänud samaks. No vähemasti meie maanurgas.
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Pööripäev/ Winter solstice 21.12.2013 |
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Tänased püütud päiksekiired/ A moment of winter sunshine cought on pink phalaenopsis orchid |
Summary: Winter solstice
Today is 21st of December, winter solstice. It's a time of the longest night and shortest day of the year. Weather is warm (+4 'C) as the depressions keep on coming on rows from Atlantic, bringing more and more warmth and moisture. Thus the days have been really dark, like northern summer nights. So todays brief tear in cloud cover and handful of rays coming through felt like real blessing in that everlasting darkness.
News are saying that it was the warmest November in recorded history. Well, who knows, December just might break the record, as the time has moved month forward but the temperatures have stayed the same. At least in this part of the world.
My lost back of alliums ordered from England finally arrived. The notice from post office said "from Germany". Well, who knows where it had been all that time (from October). Anyways, it's gonna be a bulb planting Christmas this year! Maybe that is why it's still warm - to give me and my allium bulbs a chance!
On today's pictures: Brief moment of sunshine captured on rainbow and on one of my pink standard phalaenopsis orchid.
Kauneid pühi, ilusaid talvisteid!
VastaKustutaAitäh-aitäh! Ilusaid pühi Sulle ka!
KustutaMy dearest Son, rainbow is a sign of a peace......... Quite rare in wintertime, especially in Estonia. I am so very proud of Your photographs! Snowflakes on the ice looked magnificent, besides first snow on Your plants. Be prised for Your commitment and dedicated work. Well done!!!!!!!!!!
VastaKustutaMy dearest Mum! Thank you so much! Eventually you have to thank yourself, as I'm your creation and commitment! Merry Christmas to far lands over the seas!