Kuupäev: 28.12.2013, laupäev
Temperatuur: +7
Ilm: vahelduv pilvisus, tugev kagu-lõuna tuul
Soojapoolne ilm Eestimaa talves pole midagi eriskummalist. Aga see, mis hetkel õue astudes vastu võtab, on midagi tõsiselt segadusttekitavat. Pole ei sügis, talv ega kevad, kuigi ehk temperatuuri järgi võiks aimata esinest või viimast. Kogu ilm ja olemine on väga ebamäärane.
Jõulude esimene püha ja tänane päev tõstsid temperatuuri üle seitsme kraadi. Sinnajuurde pilvede vahelt piiluv päike. Kokku tundus see kõik väga soe, tuntavalt soe. Ja ometi mitte kevad või kevadine. Ehk vaid kuidagi kaugelt ja kaudselt. Kevadine.
Taimed ilmselt siiski teavad, et pole veel päris õige aeg. Või siiski? Sest seina äärde istutatud inglise roos 'The Lark Ascending' ei ole veel oma lehtedest loobunud, samas kui siin ja seal võib märgata juba kevadiste sibulillede ninakesi mullast tõusmas - lumikellukesi, krookuseid, võrkiiriseid. Mõtlen, et mis saab siis, kui talve ei tulegi. Kas see on okei, või pigem halb? Ilmselt on kõige halvem, kui peaks tulema hilja ja järsult ja tugeva külmaga. Aga eks me näe.
Ja siis minu jõulu-lauguistutus. Ma tõsiselt loodan, et sellest siiski midagi välja tuleb. Istutasin sibulad pottidesse ning kaevasin need lavasse ning katsin seejärel kuivade lehtede ja kuuseokstega. Kokkuvõttes tegi sama Alan Titchmarch BBC2-s ja vaevalt, et tema palju mööda panna saab. Alan istutas Allium 'Purple Sensention' sibulaid pottidesse, et neid siis järgmise suve hakul peenardesse istutada, just sinna kuhu kõige sobilikum. Plaanin teha sama- kui taimed jäävad ellu ja tõusevad, saavad omale püsiva elupaiga kevadel uues liblikapeenra laienduses.
Summary: Weather Jumble
Date: 28th of December, Saturday
Temperature: +7'C
Weather: Partly cloudy, strong South, South-East winds
Mild/warm weather is no surprise in Estonian winter. However, that what welcomes us outside now is rather confusing. It's not like autumn, winter nor spring, though temperature wise its more towards to spring or autumn. The whole weather is in vague.
Christmas Day and this Saturday were exceptionally warm, with temperatures up to 7 degrees. Occasional showers and strong winds accompanied. Very vernal for us and yet not Spring. I wonder if all my plants are getting this confusion right. Maybe, maybe not. My rose 'The Lark Ascending' still holds its leaves, nice and green. At the same time crocuses and snowdrops are pushing through new shoots. Makes me also think what if winter passes this time completely?! Would it do good or harm? Surely mild winter with nice snow cover would be best. Wet feet could damage bulbs and perennials.
About my Christmas bulb planting: As I mentioned in one of my previous post, my lost pack of alliums finally arrived. Bulbs were healthy and in good conditions. Instead of planting them right to the flowerbed I decided to overwinter them in pots, buried to the ground and covered with dry leaves and spruce twigs. Hopefully it wasn't very bad idea! Alan Titchmarch did pretty much the same with Allium 'Purple Sensation' bulbs on BBC2. He can't be very wrong I think. And English winter we already have anyways!
Temperatuur: +7
Ilm: vahelduv pilvisus, tugev kagu-lõuna tuul
Soojapoolne ilm Eestimaa talves pole midagi eriskummalist. Aga see, mis hetkel õue astudes vastu võtab, on midagi tõsiselt segadusttekitavat. Pole ei sügis, talv ega kevad, kuigi ehk temperatuuri järgi võiks aimata esinest või viimast. Kogu ilm ja olemine on väga ebamäärane.
Jõulude esimene püha ja tänane päev tõstsid temperatuuri üle seitsme kraadi. Sinnajuurde pilvede vahelt piiluv päike. Kokku tundus see kõik väga soe, tuntavalt soe. Ja ometi mitte kevad või kevadine. Ehk vaid kuidagi kaugelt ja kaudselt. Kevadine.
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Detsembritaevas/ December Sky |
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Lumikelluke/ Galanthus nivalis |
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Krookused/ Crocus 'Yellow Mammoth' |
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Püsikupeenar/ Perennials bed |
Date: 28th of December, Saturday
Temperature: +7'C
Weather: Partly cloudy, strong South, South-East winds
Mild/warm weather is no surprise in Estonian winter. However, that what welcomes us outside now is rather confusing. It's not like autumn, winter nor spring, though temperature wise its more towards to spring or autumn. The whole weather is in vague.
Christmas Day and this Saturday were exceptionally warm, with temperatures up to 7 degrees. Occasional showers and strong winds accompanied. Very vernal for us and yet not Spring. I wonder if all my plants are getting this confusion right. Maybe, maybe not. My rose 'The Lark Ascending' still holds its leaves, nice and green. At the same time crocuses and snowdrops are pushing through new shoots. Makes me also think what if winter passes this time completely?! Would it do good or harm? Surely mild winter with nice snow cover would be best. Wet feet could damage bulbs and perennials.
About my Christmas bulb planting: As I mentioned in one of my previous post, my lost pack of alliums finally arrived. Bulbs were healthy and in good conditions. Instead of planting them right to the flowerbed I decided to overwinter them in pots, buried to the ground and covered with dry leaves and spruce twigs. Hopefully it wasn't very bad idea! Alan Titchmarch did pretty much the same with Allium 'Purple Sensation' bulbs on BBC2. He can't be very wrong I think. And English winter we already have anyways!