Eelmisesse postitusse lisatud pildid aedhortensiast 'Limelight' on saanud arvamusi, et tegemist ei pruugi olla õige 'Limelight'iga. No mine sa võta nüüd kinni. Olen segadustest selle sordi meil müüdavate eksemplaride ehtsuse ümber lugenud varemaltki. Minu taim tuli Floeras'i müügiplatsilt kingitusena, mille üle olin väga rõõmus. Niivõrd laimine ja värske ja rohekas oli see 'Limelight', nagu Kew Lime Pie!
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Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight' augusti algul/ at the beginning of August |
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Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight' augusti algul/ at the beginning of August |
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Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight' augusti keskpaiku/ in Mid-August |
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Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight' in Mid-September |
Käisin üle veel Googlist ja leidsin selliseid kirjeldusi:
"An exciting hardy Hydrangea from Holland, 'Limelight' has unique bright chartreuse blooms in mid-summer that hold bright and refreshing color right into autumn when the blooms change color to a rich deep pink." (
"Flowers emerge creamy white, mature to chartreuse-lime and eventually acquire pink-darkening-to-rose tones before finally fading to beige" (
"This variety of the popular panicle hydrangea boasts very large, lime green blooms in mid-summer that turn pink in fall." (
Ja nii need kirjeldused on, ikka 'ageing to deep pink/rose". Võib-olla siiski 'Limeligt'?!
Summary: Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight' (or not)?
My previous post created a little buzz weather my Hydrangea 'Limelight' is true or not. There were opinions that 'Limelight' should not turn that pink. So I decided to gather pictures of that plant throughout the season to one post so the change could easily be followed. It started out really lime at the beginning of august, very fresh and delicious like Kew Lime Pie to me! By the mid-august panicles started to pick up some peach and have turned to deep pink by now.
To bring a little clearness to the subject I did a little survey with a help of Google and went through some available descriptions of this cultivar. Some of them are copied above. Generalized, they all stated more or less that 'Limelight' turn pink/rose by the end of the season. So my 'Limelight' could be true after all. Or what do you think?
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